Mid Essex Talking Therapies
Mid Essex Talking Therapies offer psychological treatments for common mental and emotional problems like stress, anxiety and depression. It is part of the NHS Talking Therapies programme.
There are lots of different types of talking therapy, but they all involve working with a trained therapist. This may be one-to-one, in a group, online, over the phone, with your family, or with your partner. There are a number of online support options available including webinars, self-help videos and guides.
Mid Essex Talking Therapies is part of Hertfordshire Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust in partnership with the Chelmsford Counselling Foundation. They offer support to those aged 17 and over who are registered with a GP in Mid Essex including Braintree, Chelmsford, Maldon and surrounding areas.
A GP can refer you, or you can contact the Mid Essex Talking Therapies team yourself.
Mid Essex Talking TherapiesSilverCloud
A secure online self-help programme that might help with anxiety, stress and depression. The SilverCloud® platform is available to you you free and can be accessed via the Mid Essex Talking Therapies website.
Mid Essex Recovery College – free courses available year-round
Are you looking to improve your mental health, learn new skills, or support someone on their recovery journey? Mid Essex Recovery College offers a wide range of free courses and workshops designed to promote wellbeing in a safe, welcoming environment.
Open to anyone aged 18 and over who lives, works, or studies in the Mid Essex area, the courses cover a variety of topics, including mindfulness, managing stigma, creativity, and navigating mental health services. Sessions are delivered both in person and online, providing flexibility to suit different preferences.
New courses are available throughout the year. To explore what’s on offer and book your place, visit the Mid Essex Recovery College website for more information. You can also call 0300 303 9954 or email [email protected].
Essex Wellbeing Service
The Essex Wellbeing Service provides health and wellbeing support to Essex residents aged 16 and over who are registered with a GP. The service is delivered by an alliance of specialist organisations and can link you with a range of support to help them stay healthy, safe and well.
Call: 0300 303 9988 (Monday to Friday, 8am to 7pm and Saturday 10am to 2pm)
Email: [email protected]
Adult social care
Contact the adult social care team at your local council to discuss care and support.
Essex County Council adult social care