To deliver this strategy we need to work differently together, sharing common plans, resources and information.
Key to this will be:
- a broad membership of our partnership – drawing on the strengths of all
- regular engagement with residents and partners – continuing to have two-way conversations
- space and time to build relationships – stronger collaboration will make health and care work better together

Health and care systems are by their very nature complex and the health and social care challenges they seek to address are complex too. It is only by coming together, in forums like our local Integrated Care Alliance here in Thurrock, or the wider Mid and South Essex Integrated Care System, to share what works well and learn from each other, that we will have any chance of making a genuine difference. Our Strategy puts it well – ‘It is not enough to do things differently; we need to be prepared to do different things.

Healthwatch Essex supports residents in using their voice to improve health and care services in Essex through high-quality research and engagement activities and sharing their lived experience. The Integrated Care Partnership, through its new Strategy, seeks to bring this work front and centre to how the health and care system operates, which is something we have long advocated for and support.