Our strategy priorities have evolved through engagement with stakeholders and the communities we serve and are drawn from:
- key themes emerging from public and stakeholder engagement the three local authority health and wellbeing strategies;
- more than 27 partner strategies and health inequality data reflecting the needs identified in their joint strategic needs assessments;
- national guidance.
Bringing together our plan

Integrated care partnership
We have created ‘a plan on a page’ to help focus our thinking as a Partnership. It articulates our common endeavour to reduce inequalities together and key partner priorities, community priorities and key system priorities.
The ‘plan on a page’ also explains how we will work together to define our working practices as a partnership. This is described under four main areas.
The shape of our partnership
Broad and Inclusive membership
Engagement with residents and partners
Space and time for relationship building
Ways of working
Equal value partnership
System, place, neighbourhoods
Sovereignty of member organisations
Shared goals and learning
Agreeing shared objectives
Regular review and refinement
Innovation, learning and quality improvement
Acting together
Joint working
Use of resources
Refinement of services and pathways
Our priorities
What is important to our partners:
The wider determinants of health
Recognising that health and wellbeing is impacted by many things, not just clinical care.
A NHSE framework to reducing healthcare inequalities. More information can be found on NHS England.
Improving the outcomes of adult care including a focus on:
- The ageing population
- Mental health and suicide prevention
- Learning disabilities and autism
- High-intensity users of services including alcohol and substance misuse
- Adult end of life and palliative care
- Loneliness and isolation
Improving the health and wellbeing for our babies, children and young people including a focus on:
- Maternity and early years health and care
- Children and adolescent mental health
- Special educational needs and disabilities
- Prevention of adult health conditions
- Maternal and children's healthy weight
- Education including the healthy schools' programmes
- Health inequalities experienced by looked after children and care leavers
- Children's end of life and palliative care
What is important to our community:
Focusing on primary care, emergency care and increasing community-based and personalised care.
Being open and honest when things aren’t working to build greater trust with residents.
Creating more and varied opportunities for residents to be involved in their own care and the work of our Partnership.
Support a better understanding of the health and care system and break down barriers together.
Encouraging people to look after themselves and helping to build strong communities.
What is important in our health and care system:
Tackling system pressures and challenges together.
Recruiting, retaining, and developing our workforce.
Earlier intervention and prevention.
Connected care
Connecting and integrating the care we provide.
Records and data
Improving data, expanding digital support and developing a shared care record.
“Across our family of NHS providers, we have significant experience of working together in partnership, but recognise we can always do more. This Strategy, with its strong focus on collective effort around key system pressures, workforce and other structural challenges, is very welcome. Hopefully, by tackling these issues together, we can offer more space, time and resources for early intervention and prevention – priorities we are all so keen to address.”