A pioneering study to explore the potential impact of exhaust fumes outside emergency departments has been launched by the East of England Ambulance Service NHS Trust (EEAST).
The study, funded by The CO Research Trust (CORT), aims to understand and help address effects of prolonged ambulance idling.
During periods where crews care for patients, ambulances often idle their engines to provide heating, cooling, and power for medical equipment, which generates emissions.
The Measuring Air Pollution from Ambulances (MAPA) study will test methods of measuring air quality levels to inform the need for a larger investigation.
The pilot will measure air quality through a variety of sensors, including static air quality sensors at ambulance bays, inside ambulances themselves, and using non-invasive tests on the levels of carbon monoxide present in the crews themselves. The findings will be used to plan a larger scale study.
This research explores a topic that is relevant and important to our staff. EEAST is extremely grateful to CORT for the opportunity to commence such important work.
The MAPA pilot will produce rigorous findings in this area so we can build upon the work the Trust already doing to tackle our emissions.
Theresa Foster, head of research at EEAST
EEAST is already committed to reducing emissions through several sustainability initiatives and technological advances, in line with wider net zero NHS targets.
A total of 40 new ambulances, which represents around 10% of the total ambulance fleet, are fitted with new technology to turn off idling engines. All future ambulances will be fitted with this technology.
The Trust also has many electric vehicles, including eight mental health vehicles, three trial rapid response vehicles, with a further 15 by the end of December, and three ambulances planned for summer 2025.
EEAST is pleased to be working in partnership with Anglia Ruskin University, University of Suffolk and EMSOL to deliver this research.
We hope this pilot will help understand pollution levels outside emergency departments and its effects. The study will also develop solutions to mitigate any risks and protect healthcare workers.
Adrian McConnell, chief executive of The CO Research Trust
About research at EEAST
Our Research Support Services team delivers high quality research in pre-hospital care, participating in national studies and designing local projects, of which MAPA Pilot is an example.
For further information contact [email protected].
About the CO Research Trust
The CO Research Trust is a registered charity, established in 2005, at the forefront of efforts to reduce the incidents of death and serious injury from carbon monoxide exposure.
For further information contact Kimberly Allen [email protected].