Around 1 in 3 adults over 65 and half of people over 80 will have at least one fall a year. The risk of falling – and fall-related problems – rises with age. However, many falls can be prevented. There are several simple measures that can help prevent falls in the home, including ditching dangerous slippers.
Older residents and people with frailty in Basildon and Brentwood can step into winter with a new pair of slippers, thanks to a new ‘Slipper Swap’ project, which aims to help reduce the risk of trips and falls.
Anyone can have a fall, but older people are more vulnerable and likely to fall, especially if they have a long-term health condition. Residents who are unsteady on their feet are invited to attend a series of events, where they can swap their old slippers for a free pair of new NHS-approved slippers. The slippers have secure fastenings and robust soles to help prevent falls.
The ‘Slipper Swap’ project aims to prevent trips and falls and encourage residents to increase their activity levels and remain independent.
As we age, maintaining balance and mobility becomes increasingly important. The right footwear plays a crucial role in preventing falls, which are a leading cause of injury among older adults. Falls often result in loss of independence, prolonged hospital stays, and take an emotional toll on individuals and their loved ones. However, small preventative measures like replacing worn out or poorly fitting slippers with ones that offer proper support, can make a significant difference.
The risk of falls increases in the colder months due to icy conditions. By providing people with well-fitting slippers, we not only enhance their safety at home, but we can also help to reduce pressure on our hospitals by preventing admissions caused by avoidable falls.
– Dr Peter Scolding, Clinical Director of Stewardship at NHS Mid and South Essex
A range of local organisations and support groups will be at the event, ready to provide health checks and give advice about preventing falls, including simple exercises people can do at home to reduce the risk of falling.
Professionals from the ‘Slipper Swap’ event will also be visiting some patients at the hospital who are unable to come down to join in the event.
‘Slipper Swap’ events will take place in the community venues and residents do not need to book to attend. The first three events are:
- 11 September 9.30am to 11.30am, ‘The Retreat’ foyer, Basildon University Hospital, Basildon, SS16 5NL
- 16 September 10am to 2pm, The Basildon Centre, St Martin’s Square, Basildon, SS14 1DL
- 22 October 1pm to 3pm, King Edward Community Centre, Laindon, SS15 6GY
Further dates for Slipper Swaps will be announced soon, including venues in Brentwood. Find out more:
Slipper Swap events in Basildon and Brentwood