NHS staff in the East of England have already delivered more than 2 million seasonal vaccinations (2,028,665) as the NHS ramps up its efforts to avoid a ‘tripledemic’ of flu, COVID-19 and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) this winter.
Latest NHS seasonal vaccination data shows over 1.9 million COVID-19 or flu vaccines have been given in the region (680,610 COVID-19 and 1,251,557 flu vaccinations administered as of 20 October), along with 96,498 RSV jabs, as those eligible come forward to get protection.
COVID-19 jabs were rolled out to those eligible from 3 October, whilst flu jabs have been available for pregnant women and children since 1 September to help stop the virus spreading as schools returned – and are now fully rolled out across the country to all remaining eligible groups.
For the first time in NHS history, vaccinations against RSV were also kicked off on 1 September for pregnant women and older adults, providing protection against bronchiolitis and serious lung infections. Since 1 September, there have been almost 100,000 (96,498) RSV vaccinations administered in the East of England to date, including many easily accessible through pharmacies in Suffolk and Essex.
These impressive figures are thanks to the hard work of NHS staff in the East of England who are successfully rolling out winter vaccination across the region to help protect those most at risk as we move into the colder months.
The best defence against the dangerous illnesses of flu, COVID-19 and RSV is vaccination, so it is crucial those eligible come forward for an appointment as soon as they can to protect themselves and those around them – it could keep you out of hospital this winter.
Sarah Cavanagh, Regional Publish Health Pharmacist for NHS England – East of England
Anyone eligible can book a COVID-19 or flu vaccine appointment via the NHS website, NHS App, or by calling 119 for free. The flu vaccine can also be booked by searching online for a local pharmacy and there are walk in sites available to get the COVID-19 vaccine.
To receive the RSV vaccine, pregnant women who are at least 28 weeks pregnant should speak to their maternity service or GP practice. Those aged 75-79 should wait to be invited for their vaccine by their GP practice – or in Suffolk and Essex, walk into certain local community pharmacies or book a pharmacy appointment online. For details on the community pharmacies in Suffolk and Essex where the RSV vaccine is available, visit:
NHS England RSV vaccine winter 2024