![sexual health website](https://www.midandsouthessex.ics.nhs.uk/wp-content/uploads/bis-images/4058/sexual-health-website-800x450-f50_50.png)
Essex Sexual Health Service (ESHS) has launched a new website to give people across the county even greater access to their services and useful information.
The organisation provides NHS-funded sexual health services throughout Essex and is delivered by a number of partners including lead provider, Provide Community CIC.
The new website has been launched as part of a wider strategy to re-engage with the public and make the service more accessible. It features greater resources including information on STIs, HIV, contraception, sexuality and other sexual health topics.
“We’re very proud to launch the new website. We’re keen to raise awareness of all the free services available to keep the people of Essex safe, happy and in good sexual health.
Chris Summers, Director of Marketing and Communications.
Through a network of NHS clinics, the service provides testing and treatment for sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and HIV, including test-at-home kits, access to contraception and a wide range of support for other sexual health issues.
As well as providing a focus for people accessing our services, the new website is a resource centre where both individuals and their partners, friends, family and carers can access information and understand the help available.
As well as information on common STIs, prevention, symptoms and treatment, the new website features a ‘What to expect’ section for those nervous about accessing sexual health services. Via the new website, people who suspect they may have an STI can order a testing kit which allows them to discretely check. Test results are confidentially texted to the person along with details of how to access any required treatment.
The website also increases access to ESHS’s eC-Card app which provides free condoms to young people aged 16-24 throughout Essex.
The website will help spearhead greater marketing of the sexual health services, guiding more people via the website to access services and information. The website also includes articles and guides to common STIs, HIV, forms of contraception and sexual wellbeing topics including sexuality, consent and sexual assault.
It was developed with the support of Full Mix Marketing who help deliver strategic, digital and creative marketing for the service.
“The new website is built in a modern and flexible way so it can be more easily developed. It provides a more customer-focused and mobile-friendly user experience” says Sarah West, Full Mix Marketing’s Managing Director.
The new website can be found at https://essexsexualhealthservice.org.uk
Find out more about local sexual health services