If you are struggling with your mental health and experiencing suicidal thoughts, please tell someone.
Whatever you are going through, there is always help available.
We offer a number of services for adults aged 18 and over who are in crisis and need urgent help.
Call 111 for immediate and specialist support. 111 is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and is a single point of contact for anyone in crisis or in need of support of behalf of someone else.
You will be put through to trained staff, who will give you advice and support.
During 2022/23, we received more than 49,000 calls to our 111 service.
Our Mental Health Urgent Care Department at Basildon Hospital also provides urgent support for anyone over 18 in mid and south Essex, 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Staff work with patients to understand what has triggered their mental health crisis and ensure they receive the right care in the right place, whether that’s at home or in hospital.
The department is led by our Trust and staffed by specialist doctors, nurses, and other healthcare professionals from EPUT, Mid and South Essex NHS Foundation Trust, and the East of England Ambulance Service. They also work with community services and charities.
The 111 service and Mental Health Urgent Care Department do not replace 999. If you or someone you know is in mental health crisis and requires serious or life threatening emergency mental or physical care, call 999 immediately.
Talking about our emotional and mental health can be really hard for so many reasons.
If you are struggling, please know you are not alone. There is always someone here to help you, day or night, every single day.
They will listen and make sure you get the right support.
Alex Green, our Executive Chief Operating Officer, said
The North East London NHS Foundation Trust’s Emotional Wellbeing and Mental Health Service offers urgent support to anyone under the age of 18 who is in crisis.
You can call them on 0800 953 0222. Outside of working hours, please call 0800 995 1000.
Friday 10 September is World Suicide Prevention Day and the World Health Organisation estimates more than 700,000 people take their own lives every year worldwide.
Every life lost is a tragedy and it’s important to break down the stigma around talking about mental health.
The following organisations also provide help and support:
Call 116 123 for free, any time. For more information, visit the Samaritans website.
YoungMinds Mental Health
Visit the Young Minds website and Parents Helpline and webchat
Papyrus – Prevention of young suicide
For confidential advice, contact HOPELINE247 on 0800 068 41 41 or text 07860 039967.
Visit the Papyrus website.
Visit the Mind website for information and advice.
Mental Health Foundation
Visit the Mental Health Foundation website for information and advice.