All Age Continuing Care (AACC) is a collective term for services provided by the NHS.
These services assess and provide funding for the care of individuals of all ages to meet their ongoing health and care needs.
The services include:
- Continuing Healthcare (CHC);
- Funded Nursing Care (FNC);
- Children and Young Peoples’ Continuing Care (CYPCC);
- Jointly-funded packages of care with Local Authorities and Education;
- other services that provide NHS funding for patients to meet their needs once they have been discharged from hospital, such as patients requiring neurological rehabilitation after a spinal cord or brain injury.
AACC brings together those services as described above, to ensure smooth transitions when people’s needs change and/or they move between eligibility for different services.
The AACC service has an Operational Policy which lays out how the service is delivered, in accordance with the National Framework for Continuing Healthcare and NHS Funded Nursing Care and the National Framework for Children and Young Peoples’ Continuing Care (2016).