To recognise the incredible contribution by small voluntary and community groups in responding to health inequalities in Essex, the health and care system in mid and south Essex would like to help these types of projects further.
The Mid and South Essex Integrated Care System is delighted to announce a new microgrant programme, which will support projects or initiatives that address health inequalities and the wider determinants of health within your local area.
Health inequalities refers to differences and outcomes in the care that people receive and the opportunities that they have to lead healthy lives.
Health inequalities grants could therefore be focused on reducing differences in:
- Health status, for example, life expectancy
- Access to care, for example, availability of given services
- Quality and experience of care, for example, levels of patient satisfaction
- Behavioural risks to health, for example, smoking rates
- Wider determinants of health, for example, quality of housing, employment, environment, training and education
- Groups that may experience poorer health outcomes due to:
- socio-economic factors, for example, income, level of deprivation,
- geography, for example, region or whether urban or rural,
- specific characteristics including those protected in law, such as sex, ethnicity, or disability,
- being socially excluded groups, for example, people experiencing homelessness.
Finer details
Grant amount: £500 – £1500.
Who can apply?
Any small-scale voluntary, community, faith and social enterprise sector organisations who come together to support tackling health inequalities within the communities across Basildon, Braintree, Brentwood Castlepoint and Rochford, Chelmsford, Maldon, Wickford, Southend and Thurrock.
Annual income must be under £100k per year.
What is the timeframe?
Applications open on 7th November 2022 and will be offered on a rolling basis until 31 March 2023 or until all funds are spent. The panel will aim to meet on a regular basis to make deci-sions on applications and, therefore, you are encouraged to get your applications in as soon as possible.
When can the grant be spent?
All grant spend must take place between November 2022 and October 2023.
How to Apply
Confirm you meet the criteria and apply using the link below or email [email protected] to request an application form.
Apply for a micro grant hereYour application will then be reviewed at a panel which takes place once a month, if successful you will be notified and the grant awarded.
Monitoring required 3 months after project start and on completion of project to share out-comes and impact of the project.
If you would like to access support to complete your application, please contact: [email protected].