Meeting of the NHS Mid and South Essex Integrated Care Board, held in public. (Please note, this is a meeting held in public, not a ‘public meeting,’ the public can attend although they are are unable to contribute or ask questions during the meeting.) We invite written questions to be submitted in advance (see below).
Note: Bookings for this meeting will open two weeks before the scheduled meeting and will close at 10am the day before.
Board meeting livestream notice
Due to venue capacity, our Board meetings are live streamed to accommodate as many members of the public as possible.
Submit a question
Questions (limited to one question per person, and specifically related to the board agenda items) should be submitted in writing three working days in advance of the meeting either in writing to: NHS Mid and South Essex ICB, NHS Mid and South Essex ICB, PO Box 6483, Basildon, SS14 0UG, or by emailing [email protected].
Whenever possible, the Board will provide a response to questions during the meeting, which will be recorded in the relevant minutes. If this is not possible, or if a question is received less than three working days beforehand, a written response will be provided to the individual concerned as soon as possible.
Due to time constraints, the number of questions responded to during the meeting will be at the discretion of the Chair.