Mid and South Essex Integrated Care Board is facilitating a conference on 15th November which celebrates the best of social prescribing across our integrated partnership. There will be some rich sharing of the activity being undertaken in local communities from partners representing our Alliances, The Voluntary, Community, Faith and Social Enterprise Sector and Local Authorities. There will be a reflection on where we have been as a system, where we are now and what the future looks like continuing to work in ever closer partnership. We will hear of a amazing degree apprenticeship opportunity across sector and also the superb Frontline referrals system.
Social Prescribing, in it’s many forms, helps people to proactively stay out of needing acute support, being supported in communities more appropriately. We have some amazing speakers from across our system sharing from Primary Care, the Essex Wellbeing Service, Basildon and Brentwood Specialist Social Prescribing Unit, Community 360, Thurrock CVS, Southend Association of Voluntary Services, and Active Essex.
On arrival there will be tea, coffee and pastries, a buffet lunch and there will be a range of stands promoting the great work going on in our communities. Whether you are a social prescriber, practice manager, local authority colleague involved in social prescribing and communities, clinician wanting to understand more or from the voluntary sector this is a great opportunity to become involved in Social Prescribing and for us to share the great work going on.
Please note that if you have a dietary requirement please email [email protected] so we can ensure you are appropriately catered for on the day.