Primary Care: Fertility Patient Pathway
Patient initial consultation:
- Lifestyle advice (smoking, alcohol, drug consumption, tight underwear.)
- BMI and potential weight management (female BMI needs to be below 30 and the male BMI below 35.)
- Folic Acid: 400 MCG as standard or 5mg for obese/BMI over 35 and medical conditions i.e. Diabetes.
- Details of previous IVF cycles in and outside of the UK.
Fast track route for;
- Oncology patients
- Over 39
- Complex medical conditions i.e. Endometriosis
- If fertility concerns continue then discuss referral to Secondary Care and ICB fertility policy and eligibility for NHS funding.
Either option would lead to the following:
Essential tests that need to be requested;
- Cervical smeal
- Chlamydia screening
- Pelvic ultrasound
- Rubella (if patient has not had the MMR vaccine, this will need to be completed with the GP.)
The GP proforma would then be fully completed, with a referral made to secondary care.
Secondary Care Fertility Patient Pathway
The patient is booked in for their first appointment following referral.
Within consultation, the GP proforma is checked. Any missing tests will be ordered.
Note: Missing tests will result in a delay in potential treatment.
A patient plan would then be created for the following four options:
- IVF; NHS (eligibility applies)
The tertiary form would be completed and expired tests repeated.
Patient discharged to PIFU (6 month access).
OR - IVF; Recommend private funding if ineligible for NHS treatment.
Patient discharged.
OR - Ovulation Induction Treatment (OI)
Second appointment booked or patient initiated follow up.
Patient discharged.
OR - Advice given for changes to lifestyle/weight management etc.
Second appointment booked or patient initiated follow up.
Patient discharged.